Sunday, January 03, 2010

Best Date in Years

Last year I went out with a 32-year-old DJ and professional gambler. Well, if you can really call what we did "going out." I would generally drive over to the coffeeshop where he likes to hang out, and he would tell me the same stories over and again. Once we went to a strip club where he was thinking of working; basically, we were there to check out the dancers. Once we saw a movie--"Transformers," do you believe it! And twice we went for a walk. Other than that, we necked a bit when I dropped him off in front of his apartment building. But he was always said something nice about how I looked every time I saw him. I can't knock that.

Other than this, I had one date all year. I actually had another scheduled, but the man stood me up. The one that did occur was with an X-ray tech. He suggested we meet at noon. I asked if this was a lunch date. He said, "No, just coffee." I got there on time, he was 20 minutes late. I had already bought my own coffee. Then he said he was hungry and was going to have lunch. I had already eaten because he had said it was not a lunch date.

So that was the full extent of dating in 2009.

Today, the third day of the new year and of the new decade, I went on a date. Armen is trim, well-dressed, the best looking man I've been out with in a long time. We met in Hermosa Beach, walked around near the ocean, then had dinner at a little Italian restaurant. Armen kept up his end of the conversation and asked me a lot of questions. He maintained good eye contact. I liked his kisses.

But always in my consciousness was dialysis. He touched my side, but since I was wearing a heavy coat, he could not feel my tubing. If I see him again, I will have to tell him about dialysis, the insulin pump, and the cardiac surgery because I'm sure he would touch or see one or the other. I really don't know how to go about this. Do I tell him over the phone when we make plans for the next date? Do I tell him in person? Do I wait until he's touching me and then say, "I've got something to tell you"?

I tend to think this will be a deal breaker with Armen. He said quite a few times during the evening that he was selfish about his time and that a wife, chidren, and pets never fit in. Someone who is so used to thinking only of himself would have a hard time with my trappings.

So anyways that was the best date I've had in years, though, of course, that isn't saying a whole lot, given the dates I've been on. But I think of what I read in a spiritual book about not thinking, "Why haven't I met the man who is matched to me?" but rather realizing that the universe is sending men my way and with each of them I can say back to the universe, "You know, this and this was really wonderful about him, but I need some more of X or less of Y in the next man you send my way." In short, don't think of the dates as failures but as opportunities to refine what I really want.

After I got home tonight, I took Rasputin for a walk. We were moving down a semi-dark alley, and I tripped over a bump in the pavement and fell. Little Rasputin came right up to me and gave me love. That's what I would like in the man who is matched to me--someone who loves me despite my boo boos.


DCGuru said...

I love your blog & I'm sure the right guy will come along when your heart is ready.

Heidi's heart said...
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Heidi's heart said...

Thanks, DC, for your kind words. Actually, my heart has been ready for decades. But thanks for the pep talk.

I went to your blog and read the post about female orgasms. I have had full-body shimmies with just someone stroking my hand, so I'm sure that the vigors of a workout could induce an orgasm.

Happy new decade to you.


About Me

Southern California, United States
Perhaps my friend Mark summed me up best when he called me "a mystical grammarian." I am quite a mix--otherworldly, ethereal and in touch with "the beyond," yet prone to being very precise and logical, when need be. Romantic in the big-canvas meaning of the word, I see the world as an adventure, as a love poem, as a realm of beauty and wonder.

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