Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Fun Walk

Doing something physical, whether bicycling or running or swimming a mile, is a great mood enhancer. But taking a walk, a leisurely stroll, is something I have found helpful on many levels.

This is not a power walk, the kind of frenetic pace in which the most distance covered in the shortest time is paramount. No, I'm talking about a Spassiergang. This is the German word for, quite literally, a fun walk.

A fun walk entails taking your time, delighting in the play of sunlight on leaves, of birdsong, of vines weaving in and out of garden fences, of brightly colored blooms and powder blue skies. A fun way gives you time to chat with strangers and smile at other walkers you pass by.

I took a fun walk yesterday evening, traversing the dozen or so blocks to the Ralph's grocery store and back. I made light conversation with the young man manning the deli, and he must not be used to this, as he chatted with me about how weighing cheese has improved his math skills and how salt-free turkey "tastes like you're eating nothing." He spent a delightfully inordinate amount of time filling my order. What a sweetie!

Vying for my attention were two older gents, the kind of funky, quasi-artsy, somewhat marginal folks who populate the neighborhood in which I live. I suppose I should count myself among them. These leather-clad, long-haired, graying men struck up a conversation with me about the wonders of the hot beef footlong. They smiled as I bantered. It's so much fun to turn on the light in people's eyes!

At the checkout counter, the clerk and bag boy were especially kind, probably because I gave good eye contact and smiled. It takes so little to warm people up sometimes.

On the way home, I stopped to admire a one-bedroom Spanish revival. The owner was sweeping her sidewalk, and I told her I'd always appreciated her abode. Though she had that look on her face of "What does this woman want from me?" she eventually realized that I had no ulterior motive and relaxed just a bit.

All along my evening stroll, I wondered at the vines, leaves, trees, porch plants, gardens, and flowers I encountered. Surrounded by beauty at every turn.

And so, though more aggressive forms of exercise may be better cardio workouts, a Spassiergang is a wonderful way to get out in the world; interact with strangers in a pleasant, nonthreatening manner; apprehend beauty that is ever-present; and improve your spirits.

So, remember, any time you're feeling down, take a fun walk. It requires no special equipment, no fees, no training, no unusual talents or skills, no set location.


About Me

Southern California, United States
Perhaps my friend Mark summed me up best when he called me "a mystical grammarian." I am quite a mix--otherworldly, ethereal and in touch with "the beyond," yet prone to being very precise and logical, when need be. Romantic in the big-canvas meaning of the word, I see the world as an adventure, as a love poem, as a realm of beauty and wonder.

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