The system cannot hold. Need I count the ways for you?
* creeping fascism, surveillance, and the erosion of freedom in the U.S. and other developed countries
* unending, meaningless wars that the populace opposes but which cater to the greed of banksters and defense contractors
* globalization and so-called free trade that benefits no one but the multi-national corporations and the elites that control them
* an exploding population and diminishing resources
* governments and media that lie to the people over and over again (9/11, the "death" of Osama bin Laden, the "safety" of nuclear power, vaccinations, genetically modified food, radiation, pharmaceuticals, fish from the Gulf oil spill, on and on)
* skyrocketing government and personal debt
* widening gap between super-rich and the rest of us
* declining wages
* rising prices
* increased demand for oil, diminishing reserves
* governments that are beholden to business interests not to the people
* the stealing of elections
* the declining dollar
OK, that's enough. You can fill in the other hundred or so reasons for concerns.
I've known for a very long time, probably two decades, that this just could not continue. The "this" being pretty much everything you see around you. Cars, consumption, TV, electronics, the Internet, government. I've known that the best strategy was to buy some land in a moderate climate with a good source of water and live off the grid.
The thing is that's just not been possible for me for a number of reasons, one being financial. Now I am not even sure as if I had the money if I could physically work as a farmer. For sure I'd have to wear a mask to guard against infection from the fungi and micro-organisms that live in the soil. And then there's the pharmaceutical thing. All the prophets I'm reading say, "Take care of your own health. No one else will." But if there is no transportation after the crash, then I and millions of others won't get the drugs they need to live.
So, the post-crash world will be fine for the young, the strong, the healthy, the landed, and the partnered (spouse or friend), but not so great for the aging, the weak, the ill, the renters, and the single.
So for all of you who have your stash of cash, I recommend that you spend it on some farmland near a friendly community of like-minded individuals. Good for you.
For the rest of us, we'll just have to:
* Live fully in the here and now.
* Be good to our neighbors, our family, and our friends.
* Work at building community and relationships with the people who live in our surroundings.
* As much as possible, prepare for the crash as we would prepare for an earthquake. Store water, non-perishables, books, meds, matches, a camp stove, fuel (safely, of course), comfortable clothes, blankets, a deck of cards, paper and pens, and toilet paper. There are more things too, but you can check with any emergency preparedness site for more info.
* Prepare for the big changes that are coming, but don't give into fear. Fear never does any good.