Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Food Under Attack

I know it's hard to believe for those of you out there who think that, at worst, the government is inefficient and incompetent, but wake up, folks, there are two bills facing Congress that would make it illegal to have a home garden, belong to an organic food coop, or in any other way subvert the interests of big agra.

Almost two decades ago, my ex-British secret service buddy, Brian Desborough, told me that one of the aims of the corporate-government collusion was to control the food supply because everyone needs to eat. If you can completely control food, you can completely control the populace. Of course, then you can add things to the food to pacify or otherwise manipulate people. Well, that Orwellian age is upon us.

A July police raid in Venice, California--that's right with guns drawn as if it were a drug bust--on an organic, raw food store is a case in point of what is to come if big business and those senators and congressional reps who prostitute themselves to big business have their way. To watch the surveillance camera video of this bust, see the Los Angeles Times.

I got the brilliant idea that one way to fight the corporate takeover of our food supply is to prosecute corporations under the provision of the so-called Patriot Act that, in part, defines a terrorist as someone who "disrupts commerce." This provision has been used against animal rights, environmental, and peace activists, labeling them terrorists for exercising their constitutional right to protest. Why not turn the tables and use the Patriot Act against corporations that are disrupting commerce at raw food stores and organic food coops! And against the evil Monsanto, which has been strong-arming farmers into buying its genetically modified seeds and running them out of business if they attempt to save their seed from year to year.

Wake up, folks. Get informed. Your government has been hijacked by corporate interests. We all need to fight back in whatever way we can, including buying as little as possible from large stores, actually, buying most of what we need from yard sales and thrift stores. And growing our own food--while we still can!


About Me

Southern California, United States
Perhaps my friend Mark summed me up best when he called me "a mystical grammarian." I am quite a mix--otherworldly, ethereal and in touch with "the beyond," yet prone to being very precise and logical, when need be. Romantic in the big-canvas meaning of the word, I see the world as an adventure, as a love poem, as a realm of beauty and wonder.

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