Wednesday, July 28, 2010

9/11 Deja Vu

The mainstream media are now saying that most of the 3.5-5 million gallons of BP-spilled oil has evaporated. When I heard that on the top of the hour today, I thought, "What! Do they really think we're that stupid!" But of course they do--the American public bought the official 9/11 story hook, line, and sinker, even though it, too, defies physics and logic. (And in the case of 9/11, the logistical capability of Al-Qaeda. The media are now saying that Al-Qaeda has "scaled down" its operations since 9/11, only choosing to do much more modest suicide bombings. Oh my gawd! The reason why they're doing small potatoes jobs is because that's all they've ever been capable of doing!)

But back to the BP oil. BP used dispersants, how much dispersants is not known, to break up the oil. Dispersants are not without their side effects, as wildlife and human swimmers and clean-up personnel have been experiencing internal hemorraging. But of course the government says there's no health problems associated with the oil spill, just like the government said the area around Ground Zero posed no health problems for residents and first responders. But now we know differently. Firefighters, cops, volunteers, and residents of NYC are suffering horrific respiratory problems from breathing in the air following the collapse of three huge buildings. (Yes, folks, remember to count Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex, the one the government doesn't want to talk about because it too pancaked though it was not hit by a plane. Hmmmm...interesting, but not interesting enough for any mainstream journalist to investigate.)

And, folks, oil does not spontaneously evaporate from the ocean. C'mon! Yes, gasoline spilled on a sidewalk will evaporate, but that's not what we're talking about here. Crude oil is so much heavier and more viscous than gasoline. And much of it was below the surface, and things don't evaporate if they're below the surface!

Another government-media lie. They just keep them coming.

Here's another: that the 92,000 or so secret documents leaked to wikileaks and then presented to the New York Times, the Guardian, and der Spiegel put American soldiers in danger and jeopardize national security. Let's take the last one first. Whenever the government is caught with its pants down, it cries national security. It's like a criminal saying that putting him on trial would endanger society. It's the government, after all, that is shown to be guilty of war crimes in these documents. And the reporters who printed stories about some of the documents did so without revealing the names of those who are still in the field.

The young man who leaked the documents, Pfc. Bradley Manning, is being held in a Kuwait prison and is facing up to 52 years for exposing the truth. Obama the candidate said he would make things easier for whistleblowers, that they should not be treated like criminals but like heroes. But Obama the president is singing a much different tune because now he's the one at the helm, responsible for the war crimes that are currently underway in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I have sent a donation to Manning's defense fund, and I urge you to do the same. I have also written him a letter, thanking him for his bravery. The sad thing to me is that in this country we are not hearing about the war crimes. Instead, journalists just keep repeating the government's line that this has endangered national security. The so-called land of the free is so tightly controlled. You'll just have to get your news by reading the Guardian or der Spiegel.


About Me

Southern California, United States
Perhaps my friend Mark summed me up best when he called me "a mystical grammarian." I am quite a mix--otherworldly, ethereal and in touch with "the beyond," yet prone to being very precise and logical, when need be. Romantic in the big-canvas meaning of the word, I see the world as an adventure, as a love poem, as a realm of beauty and wonder.

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