Sunday, November 15, 2009

How I View the Practice of Medicine

This whole bypass thing has made me look at how I view the practice of medicine. It's about time, isn't it, that I ask, "What do I really feel about medicine?" since it's such a huge component of my life and has been a major player since the age of 13.

My friend Susie, who has listened to my despair regarding my situation and has given me much-needed pep talks, has often shared her views on medicine. She is a big believer. She feels that doctors and the technology that they employ are often miracle workers. Susie gave one of her kidneys to her friend Ron, and she is convinced that I too will receive not only a kidney transplant but a pancreas as well. She is firm believer in the good that medicine does in the world. Though Susie doesn't talk of God per se, perhaps a way of thinking of Susie's view is to see doctors, especially surgeons, as God's servants on earth, bringing God's healing energy to patients.

This is a beautiful image, and one I'm sure a lot of generally healthy people share. I wish I shared it, but I don't. At best I think of medicine as a small business owner no doubt thinks of the government. The government says it's here to help, but in fact any encounter with the government just means more paperwork, more taxes, more time and energy expended on tasks one would rather not do, more of one's life zapped by things one finds distasteful, unpleasant, and inconvenient. On my worst days, I think of medicine as I think of the so-called defense industry--a monster that is zapping resources, destroying lives, and is only interested in profit at all costs.

I primarily look at medicine as the force that has put restrictions on my life, not as a force that has kept me alive.

Needless to say, this is a piss-poor attitude to take. I consider medicine the default position, what I am doing until God answers my prayers. And of course I realize that it's difficult to get the best out of something that I resent and don't trust, sometimes even despise.


Heather Clisby said...

Heidi: I know we've been playing phone tag but just know that I am keeping you strong in my thoughts, especially this week. I envision your surgery being wildly successful and your healing and recovery being smooth. I know this to be true.

Heidi's heart said...

Thanks, Heather, and thanks to everyone else who is holding me in your thoughts and prayers.


About Me

Southern California, United States
Perhaps my friend Mark summed me up best when he called me "a mystical grammarian." I am quite a mix--otherworldly, ethereal and in touch with "the beyond," yet prone to being very precise and logical, when need be. Romantic in the big-canvas meaning of the word, I see the world as an adventure, as a love poem, as a realm of beauty and wonder.

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