Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Why I Chose Peritoneal Dialysis

When most people hear "dialysis," they think of being hooked up to a machine that pumps out dirty blood, cleans it, and pumps it back into the body. This is hemodialysis and is done at a medical clinic. Patients generally go into the clinic for treatments three times a week, four or five hours each time.

The advantages of hemodialysis are that someone else does the treatment and all you have to do is sit back and relax; you don't have to keep any supplies in your home; you only receive a treatment every three days; and you are able to have a pet in the house.

The disadvantages are that you have to rely on someone else to perform the treatment; you are restricted in your travel to large urban areas that might have a clinic that could accommodate you; you feel weak and tired between treatments since the toxins are building up in your body on the days without dialysis; you have to allow two large needles to be stuck in your vein each time; and you are vulnerable to the unsanitary environment that is unfortunately the norm at most hospitals and clinics.

The alternative is peritoneal dialysis. It is done four times a day, using the peritoneal membrane as a natural filter. Each exchange of fluids--clean in, dirty out--lasts about a half hour. It is done at home or in some other clean place.

The advantages are that the patient has control of the treatment; travel is not restricted to large urban areas that have clinics that can accommodate your travel plans; and, since the system is being cleaned four times a day rather than only once every three days, the patient feels better and has more energy.

The disadvantages are that the room in which the dialysis is to be performed has to be kept sterile, dirt- and dust-free; the patient is responsible for treatments; a lot of space has to be devoted to storing dialysis bags and other supplies; and dogs and cats in the home are highly discouraged as the hairs could contaminate the system and cause a serious infection.

I stewed over this for a while, wondering which way to go--hemodialysis or peritoneal. At last I decided on peritoneal because it is better for my body and my overall well-being. The whole thing about not being able to have a dog--something I have long wanted but have been unable to have because I have lived in apartments with pet restrictions--made me pretty sad. But I don't know what the future holds, and it could hold a transplant--and a dog.

It's been a little over a year since I started wearing an insulin pump. That was difficult enough, and the insulin pump's infusion site is changed every three days, so if I really wanted to keep my pump a secret--like when having sex with someone who may not know me very well--I always have the option of removing it for a few hours. But that isn't the case with the dialysis catheter. Having something else emerging from my abdomen doesn't thrill me in the least.

But when the alternative to dialysis is death, I realize I am really limiting myself if I go with the death option. A Jewish saying comes to mind: "Take care of your health. You can always commit suicide later."

The rejoinder to that, of course, is "But if I commit suicide now, I will never have a chance at health."

1 comment:

Alexi Holford said...

how do you sterilize a room? boil water and somehow steam the walls and carpet with it? create some sort of bubble girl environment? sounds challenging, but I admire all your reasons for doing it.


About Me

Southern California, United States
Perhaps my friend Mark summed me up best when he called me "a mystical grammarian." I am quite a mix--otherworldly, ethereal and in touch with "the beyond," yet prone to being very precise and logical, when need be. Romantic in the big-canvas meaning of the word, I see the world as an adventure, as a love poem, as a realm of beauty and wonder.

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