Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Few Thoughts on Recent News Events

To offset the sad truth of the following news events, I will pepper my comments with beautiful photos from Nova Scotia.

* Doesn't anyone else but me think it's hypocritical that the US government finally backed the protesters in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, and Libya as democracy-seeking movements, yet the Occupy protesters in this country are being forced to disperse through police violence and no one demands that Obama step down because of the anti-democratic tactics of police forces within his nation? How's this for our new national slogan:


* I got a major insight into the Arab Spring when I heard that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was talking about how the US has to "help" Egypt and other countries in the region with their "burgeoning democracies" by opening them up to the glories of so-called "free trade." Oh, so that's what this was all about! Opening the Middle East to more of the tentacles of the multi-national companies and their bankster friends. Evil shrouded in goodwill, once again. I advised my Egyptian friends from the get-go that they needed to stay as far away from the US as possible. No doubt the US government is supporting the current military dictatorship in Egypt just as it supported Mubarak for 30 years.

* The stationing of 2,500 elite troops (US Marines) in Australia--this is a travesty on so many levels.
1) We have no money for the poor, the sick, the elderly; we have no money for education or infrastructure; but damn it, we always have money for weapons and for killing, don't we!
2) This is a clearly provocative act against the Chinese. How do you think the Pentagon would feel if China established a military base in Brazil? It makes me ill how the USG is always doing things that it would never let anyone else get away with--anyone else except Israel, that is.
3) We've farmed out the electronics of our weapons systems to China, leaving us wide open to sabotage. Why any country would farm out its weapons manufacturing to another country is beyond me. Unless, of course, the US wants an incident that it can blame on someone else. That is always a very real possibility.
4) Why not bring these troops home and have them build bridges or pave roads, something useful for once!
5) Is the US attempting to start World War III? Sure seems like the way to go about it.
6) All this from the president who received the Nobel Peace Prize. What a cruel, cynical joke that is.

* The media have been reporting Obama's "free trade" talks with Asia, a move, they say, that will create American jobs and increase our exports. Oh, my gawd! I called my senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, and told their aides, "Doesn't anyone remember NAFTA? That's exactly the B.S. we were told then." And what did NAFTA do? Kill good-paying American jobs, destroy cities like Detroit, move factories to Mexico, and decrease the American standard of living without making an improvement in the lives of those who took our jobs. Free trade is just a give-away to the huge corporations and the greedy banksters. It has not helped the average Joe.


About Me

Southern California, United States
Perhaps my friend Mark summed me up best when he called me "a mystical grammarian." I am quite a mix--otherworldly, ethereal and in touch with "the beyond," yet prone to being very precise and logical, when need be. Romantic in the big-canvas meaning of the word, I see the world as an adventure, as a love poem, as a realm of beauty and wonder.

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